name: Fast Hands
tradable: Yes
Place Rarity Chance Quantity
Mercury/Elion (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Venus/Venera (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Venus/Romula (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Venus/Romula (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Earth/Mantle (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Earth/Coba (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Earth/Coba (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Mars/Ara (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Mars/Kadesh (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Mars/Kadesh (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Mars/Quirinus (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Jupiter/Amalthea (Spy), Rotation A Rare 9.09% 1
Jupiter/Sinai (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Jupiter/Sinai (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Jupiter/Ananke (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Saturn/Dione (Spy), Rotation A Rare 9.09% 1
Saturn/Phoebe (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Saturn/Aegaeon (Spy), Rotation A Rare 9.09% 1
Saturn/Cassini (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Uranus/Ariel (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Uranus/Trinculo (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Neptune/Galatea (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Pluto/Hydra (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Pluto/Sechura (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Pluto/Sechura (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Pluto/Corb (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Ceres/Bode (Spy), Rotation A Rare 9.09% 1
Ceres/Lex (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Ceres/Seimeni (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Ceres/Seimeni (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Eris/Cosis (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Eris/Isos (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Eris/Akkad (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Eris/Akkad (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Sedna/Sangeru (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Sedna/Sangeru (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Europa/Abaddon (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Europa/Valac (Spy), Rotation A Rare 9.09% 1
Europa/Larzac (Defense), Rotation A Rare 7.37% 1
Europa/Larzac (Defense), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Europa/Cryotic Front (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Europa/Cryotic Front (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Europa/Cryotic Front (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Europa/Beleth (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Phobos/Limtoc (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Phobos/Skyresh (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Phobos/Todd (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Phobos/Opik (Rush), Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Phobos/Opik (Rush), Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Lua/Pavlov (Spy), Rotation A Uncommon 12.18% 1
Lua/Copernicus (Capture) Uncommon 10.84% 1
Recover The Orokin Archive, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Recover The Orokin Archive, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Family Reunion, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Family Reunion, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Hot Mess, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Hot Mess, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Sunkiller, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Sunkiller, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Table For Two, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Table For Two, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Another Betrayer, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Another Betrayer, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Time's Up, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
Time's Up, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
The Aftermath, Rotation A Rare 2.21% 1
The Aftermath, Rotation B Rare 1.58% 1
Aurax Baculus Uncommon 0.76% 1
Tusk Butcher Uncommon 0.57% 1
Guardsman Uncommon 0.76% 1
Kuva Drahk Master Uncommon 0.57% 1
Kuva Hyekka Master Uncommon 0.76% 1
Kuva Butcher Uncommon 0.57% 1
Ghoul Devourer Uncommon 2.53% 1
Ghoul Rictus Uncommon 1.90% 1
Drahk Master Uncommon 0.57% 1
Hyekka Master Uncommon 0.76% 1
Bailiff Uncommon 0.57% 1
Butcher Uncommon 0.57% 1
Grineer Manic Uncommon 9.48% 1
Drekar Butcher Uncommon 0.57% 1
Drekar Manic Uncommon 0.57% 1